Amy Cleaning have a reputation built on reliability and hard work. Our vetted cleaners are trusted in over 2000 homes.

Only 1 in 55 applicants meet our standards
All of the cleaners we work with must complete our six step vetting and testing process. These high standards are what set Amy Cleaning apart from our competitors, and ensures our customers can always trust their cleaner and the service we provide.
All cleaners are inspected to ensure that work is up to standard, all cleaners go through our training courses. Find out more...
Quality Assured
We receive a lot of applications from cleaners wishing to work with Amy Cleaning, but one 1 in 55 make the grade, so you can be assured you're getting the best cleaner possible.
Same cleaner, every time
When we've worked our magic and found you the perfect cleaner, they'll visit you every time so you can develop a great working relationship with them.
Outstanding value for money
Our fees are incredibly competitive for the industry and in Greater London, and we're proud to be able to offer high quality cleaning at a great price.
Manage your account
Whether you need to change you schedule or book a replacement cleaner, you can do so easily and quickly from your Amy Cleaning account area.
Contingency Plans
If your regular cleaner is sick or away, we'll arrange a replacement to visit, thus ensuring there's no interruption to your service and your house stays clean.
Great customer service
Our fantastic lineup of cleaners is supported by an amazing office team, who are always on hand to help with your enquiries or receive your feedback.