Frequently Asked Questions

What are my Payments for?

You are paying for:

* Access to a database of cleaners
* The right to use a cleaner from the database
* Insurance.

The agency 'membership' fee is based upon the average number of hours you have the right to use a cleaner from the Agency database, should you have the cleaner for more hours, then more is payable. The fee remains payable, much like the fee for a sports club, car breakdown service, internet access subscription, insurance or other such service, whether or not you choose to take advantage of the database, use the cleaner, or insurance.

This is because we still have to keep our database full of good quality cleaners, who are available for one off and regular jobs, and this is constant work. We also still have to pay your cleaner consultant who is always on hand, and your insurance which is a large percentage of the agency fee, whether or not you decide to take advantage of the service or not.