To cancel simply fill in one of the Customer License Cancellation Request Forms.
The forms are on the ‘My Amy’ page which is the right hand side button of the main website toolbar.
Please choose from either:
-Fax or post customer license cancellation request form: This is simply filled in and faxed or posted to us.
-Email customer license cancellation request form: This form has instructions on the top part for how to fill it in and send it, below is a template which you simply copy and paste into your email. Then simply fill it in and send it to us.
Within 2 working days of receiving your one week's notice we will send you a letter or email to confirm your 1 week’s notice cancellation. This will contain a cancellation code showing your cancellation and the date we received your cancellation form.
To cancel the monthly payments agency fee, just cancel one week before the end of the period. The need for one week’s notice is because:
* The cleaners need income, it can take us up to a week to find the cleaner another suitable client, organise an interview and all the other things a client may require before a cleaner can start.
* We have to pay for your £1million insurance cover at the beginning of each period. To ensure you have perfect seamless cover this is done well before each month starts and sadly we cannot get this money back.
We would of course love it if you returned to us and used the agency services again. If you wish to use someone who has been allocated from our database after your license has expired, you can:
1. Order a one off clean.
2. Restart your monthly license.
3. Pay the introductory fee of £500 + the equivalent of twelve months agency fee.
If a cleaner is used and 1 or 2 has not been pre ordered, then option 3 is due, this amount is subject to prompt payment after cleaner is used.