How to keep your sponges clean as new

With the daily cleaning of counter tops, hobs and sinks our sponges and cloths in the kitchen tend to have a very short life span. And that is not even talking about the build up of germs, which makes them smell like something out of this world!

Do you want to leave your kitchen sponges and brushes clean and ready to use the following day?

Then put them on the top rack of your dishwasher when you run it. You will see the difference!

5 thoughts on “How to keep your sponges clean as new

  1. admin Post author

    Really true Roberto, it will save you money to spend some extra pounds on good quality stuff!

  2. Cleaning Services Surrey

    The above tips are great. One other tip is that if you want to be as environmentally friendly as possible you can buy microfibre cloths. These last a lot longer (at least 4 times) than non micro fibre cloths / scrubbing pads. Providing they are rinsed and clean after every use, they wont smell either

  3. admin Post author

    Thank you for the tip! We love micro-fibre cloths here at Amy Cleaning as they can last ages if washed properly. Check our article about micro-fibre cloths on this blog!

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