Tag Archives: chemicals recipes

House-hold chemicals recipes revisited

Our post on home made cleaners has proved to be a success for the customers at http://www.amycleaning.co.uk. It looks like people are getting more concern about the environment and how our acts can damage it. So here you can find some more “green recipes” to help you do your bit for the environment!

Cleaning tile floors:

– 1 cup vinegar

– 1 bucket of hot water

– Mix and apply. Wipe clean

Pots and Pans:

– 3 tablespoons of baking soda

– Some salt

– Water

– Mix the ingredients to form a paste. Dip a sponge into it and rub onto the metal. Let dry. Rinse with hot water.

Mold killer:

– 2 teaspoon of tea tree oil

– 2 cups of water

– Mix and put in a spray bottle. Spray on problem areas. Do not rinse.

Stainless steel polish:

– Undiluted white vinegar or olive oil

We hope these recipes are good enough for the new  “green alchemists” and let us know your experience!