Tag Archives: Household chemicals and pets

Household chemicals and pets

Which chemicals can you use when having pets at home? Is there any household chemical that can cause damage to your pet?

We surely know of a lot of people that have cats or dogs or other pets at home. Maybe even you have one! We always need to be worried about the chemicals that we purchased to minimize the danger around our house when having our loving pets around.

It is true that any chemical that you may have in your household could be extremely toxic, not only to animals but to us as well. But it all depends on how we make use of them.

Let us see some chemicals that could be a potential danger for your pets:

1-Pine oil based products: It is well known that cats are very sensitive to phenol based products. So before buying any disinfectant double check the label to make sure there will be no harm.

2-Pest sprays: It takes only a mouse to touch the still wet spray and your cat to catch the mouse to have a serious accident. Make sure that when you use this sprays, you wait until it is dry to let your cat into the room.

3-Chlorine bleach based toilet cleaner: We know that a strong chemical will be great to clean the lime scale on the toilet. But if your dog is used to drink on the toilet bowl from time to time, this kind of chemicals can caused him really strong stomach-aches and diarrhea. The same will happen if you use toilet cleaning tablets.

4-Carpet deodorizer: It is fine to use it, as long as you keep your pet away from the room until it gets dry.

5-Febreeze: There have been a lot of rumors about this product. A lot of people will agree that this chemical can cause serious illnesses to our pets, from liver problems to even death. But nothing has been proofed yet, and still there are many veterinaries that do not consider Febreeze stronger than any other household chemicals. On this one, I leave the decision with you. I do not consider myself a “green” person but I always thought that opening the windows is better than using chemicals to hide unwanted odors…

You can see from this small list that it could be very easy to put the health of our pets in danger without even being aware of it. How can we change this? Well, the key to success in this matter is to read and follow the labels for proper use. Every chemical is a potential danger if we do not follow instructions of use.