Tag Archives: Sustaining your cleaner’s standards

Sustaining your cleaner’s standards

Sustaining your cleaner’s standards is a very challenging task when you have a person cleaning your home on regular basis. You may feel that her standards have dropped or haven’t really improved since she started.
We have some tips on how to make sure that you are helping your cleaner to deliver the best of her!
The most important point is communication: the more you tell your cleaner what you like and what you don’t like the better she will be. Don’t wait until you have enough and cannot stand the way she is cleaning your lovely home.
Is very useful to leave notes (task sheets) for your cleaner if you are not home when she’s working so that she can follow your requirements. This will also help them to manage their time and finish within the expected amount of hours.

And remember: an organized home is easier for a cleaner to do her job and they will achieve more in a shorter period of time.