Cross cultural communication (1)

Knowledge is the key for an effective cross cultural communication with your domestic cleaner.

How many times did you have issues with your domestic cleaner because she did not react on the way you expected? Do not worry! It is not the end of the world! It does not mean that your cleaner does not listen to you! It is just Culture.

In the UK there are a lot of domestic cleaners from all over the world, from East Europe to South America. At there has been a lot of issues regarding cross cultural communication. Recently, a customer called us concerned about her new domestic cleaner. She considered her too loud and invasive while on the first meeting. When talking with the cleaner, from a Mediterranean origin, she was confused; she did not understand what went wrong!

Communication between people of different cultures can cause anxiety. Yes, it is your cleaner, but most of the times you do not know a lot about her; sometimes you cannot even locate her country on the map! This “knowing nothing” cause a lot of uncertainty, thus making you scared and destroying the bases of your relationship.

Therefore, to avoid uncertainty and problems with your domestic cleaner you will need to know what the differences are between your culture and hers.

Culture differences can be found on:

1- Communication styles (how people talk and interact with others).

2- Attitudes toward conflict (how people resolve problems).

3- Approaches to completing tasks.

4- Attitudes toward disclosure (how people express opinions).

Would you like to know more? On the next post I will explain a little bit about each of them. Don’t miss it! It may give you the answer you were waiting for!

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